September 1, 2009

A Real Salmon Sandwich

No more of that 'from a can' stuff.

Not here or now anyways.

This recipe is simple enough, but serves as a reminder to all you folk who don't think you can make such things in a tight time schedule. Students, believe me, you can do this too! All it takes is a little planning ahead and you will be left with the yummiest, probably healthiest, salmon sandwich ever.

Now I don't mean to knock the 'from a can' salmon. In fact I use it on occasion and it can be quite tasty. But I don't know... something in the pit of my stomach says that we shouldn't be eating fish from a can. Or rather, if we have the option to eat if fresh then we should!

So today I bought some fresh salmon from the grocery store, cooked it up with some fresh ground black pepper, lemon/pepper seasoning, and olive oil, and left it to cool down completely in the fridge. You can do this the day before you want to eat it, and prepare it in the morning before work/school. (Side note: cooking any meat the night before is a huge time saver).

After the salmon had cooled (you could eat it hot if you prefer) I added mayo, lemon juice, arugula, apple, cucumber and voila!

P.S. Try this same recipe with tuna steaks instead!

You already knew you could prepare this classic sandwich this way, didn't cha? Just needed a little push in the right direction:)


There you go.


4 oz. wild salmon fillet
a drizzle of olive oil
black pepper
lemon/pepper seasoning
the juice from 1/2 a lemon
2 Tbsp. mayo (adjust to your liking)
3 cucumber and/or apple slices
a handful of arugula or watercress
2 slices of rye bread, toasted


1. Place fresh salmon on a baking safe stone or pan and drizzle with olive oil, lemon pepper seasoning, and freshly ground black pepper. Bake in the oven @ 350 for about 10 minutes, or until the fish is all light pink. (Cooking times will vary depending on the size of the fish). Allow the fish to cool in the fridge.

2. Break apart the fish with a fork and gently mix in mayonnaise and lemon juice.

3. Top your rye bread with arugula or watercress and spread your salmon onto that. Top this with cucumber and/or apple and another piece of bread.

Serves 1.

Photo courtesy of

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