September 19, 2009


I would like to introduce you to a lovely little store that I stumbled across today.

The names Tea, DAVIDsTEA...

And oh my goodness I'm in love.

For those of you who have never been, let me just paint a little picture for you:

Imagine, every kind of tea you can think of, all stored in silver streamlined containers, awaiting your sniffer. (That's right, your nose!) Each tea, seasonal, and traditional, is available for a good smell. You can capture the essence of these teas in one wiff, believe me. The robust fragrances reveal exactly what is hidden in each tea. There are no pathetic tea fillers here! Everything is so rich and bright, that you will have no idea your only smelling tea. As the fragrance fills your body you can almost taste the aromas. The seasonal maple, cinnamon, and fruity teas all smell like fresh desert, and promise to taste just as good. (Minus the calories!)

If that doesn't make you want to check out DAVIDsTEA, then you must not be a tea drinker. Or you're bonkers. I had about 20 different teas out on the counter, narrowing down the choices; they all smelled so amazing! And honestly, after drinking a glass of my final selection: "Secret Weapon" white tea, I can honestly say that the tea tastes like it smells.

Check out the description of it:

Kick-start your immune system

This blend just might give you the edge you need to stay healthy this fall. It’s a white Bai Mu Dan, so it’s naturally high in immunity-enhancing antioxidants. Plus it contains licorice and goji berries, a Chinese wonderfood reputed to have 500 times more vitamin C than oranges. The best part? The almonds and cocoa nibs. They don’t fight colds, but they make this an amazingly tasty weapon of choice.

Also available at DAVIDsTEA, are mugs, infusers, tea pots, and more. I bought a really adorable, sage colored mug that came with an awesome infuser. I can keep the infuser to use over a tea pot, or just place it over the mug, and voila-- tea time!

Safe to say, no more Starbucks for me!
Click here to find a DAVIDsTEA near you! (Or order online.)

Photos all courtesy of

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