April 30, 2009

Cooking for 350

Story time!

So back in the day, when I was around 18 (One year ago), I decide to become the head chef at a summer camp called Forest Cliff Camp. This amazing place of camping genius is located in Forest Ontario, and has been my summer home for the past, oh say...12 years.

The atmosphere is phenomenal, and the people there are even better. I have made more friends there than I have, anywhere else. But to the point, this last summer the camp director inquired if I might be interested in cooking for the summer. My first response was to laugh. I thought, Cook!? For 350 children? I don't think so. But after spending a long time in prayer and after realizing that this was a great way to grow and to glorify god with my summer, I decided to go for it.

The job went a little something like this:

I would wake up each morning, and head over to a giant (new and very expensive) kitchen, where I would begin preparing breakfast. I had on average, 5 other cooks who worked with me, though they changed each and every week. In the morning we would prepare anything from muffins to my self titled, "Bench Bars." (I will post the oh so secret recipe later!) It took on average 2 hours to do breakfast, and when it was done, lunch would begin! Well...that is a slight exaggeration. I did have an hour of break in between. But sometimes our delivery truck would arrive RIGHT during breakfast. Those were fun days:)

Lunch was hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, chicken burgers, or chili dogs. All classic camp food. And it was served along side desert, each and every time! My cooks and I would usually eat about 30 minutes before the kids did, which was always such a special time. It wouldn't appear to the average person to be very special, but sitting out on our back porch, relaxing in the sunlight, and taking a breather with my hard working cooks was SO much fun. (Side note: The cooks were for the most part all mothers, so I got to hang out with the gals and learned how to speak mom! SCORE. Seriously though, huge blessing.)

Dinner came after a much needed rest in the afternoon. We would serve tacos, spaghetti, ham, pizza, and on Thursday night...a roast beef dinner! (Desert also included). It never ceases to amaze me that I made it through this summer without any serious meltdowns. We had our problems of course, like the time our spaghetti turned to mush 30 minutes before we had to serve it. But God got me through, and each and every meal was served on time.

Some of my favourite things about the summer included: the rare, but occasional good cup of coffee (generously made by my best friend Leah), breaks on the beach, putting my name tag from Sunday nights up on my wall, signifying another week's commencement, walks to the mailbox, pogos, pasta salad, bench bars, trips to Sarina, sleep, the amazing thank you card I got at the end of the summer, accomplishment, the little girl who wanted her picture with me because we looked identical, the oatmeal lady, giant boxes of cauliflower, delivery trucks, crying in the pantry, my office, and finally...seeing how much can happen when you put your trust in God. He saved me this summer, no doubt about it.

So in case anyone anyone ever asks you to become the head cook of a summer camp, let me give you a piece of advice. Do it. And push yourself to your limits. I did, and I've never been the same since.

Bubble Brownies

Why bubble brownies you ask?

Simple. My friends were blowing bubbles while I was making these brownies! It just made the experience all the more entertaining. I encourage you to do the same! (Why not blow bubbles while baking? I couldn't think of a reason!)

Anyway, the inspiration for brownies came from a recipe I was looking at a while ago that involved black beans. I've tried that version before, and it is surprisingly delicious! But unfortunately, being as I am a "starving" university student that doesn't have a completely stocked pantry...the regular version had to do for today. They ended up getting a great review from my room mates, and they didn't take long at all to make. Another bonus, is that the recipe doesn't call for too many ingredients.

They definitely beat my chocolate craving!


1/2 c. butter, melted
1 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1/3 c. Hershey's cocoa
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. chopped nuts (opt.)


1. Heat oven to 350 degrees and Grease square pan, 9 x 9 x 2 inches.

2. In large mixing bowl blend melted butter, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs, using spoon, beat well.

3. Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt; gradually blend into egg mixture. Stir in nuts, if desired.

4. Spread into prepared pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until brownies begin to pull away from sides of pan.

My Philosophy

Intro: My name is Julia, very nice to meet you!

I am a food enthusiast who has finally worked up the courage to start my own blog:)
This blog is simply for the purpose of sharing with fellow food buddies, all of the recipes that I found/made, have tried, and fell in love with.

My philosophy is simple, and it is captured in the name of this blog: Pink Mixers and Broken Egg Yolks. Cooking can be so stunning- brilliant fondants, a steak done just right, seasonal masterpieces, a perfectly cooked grilled cheese sandwich, just to name a few. Cooking entices so many senses, and for me it creates a lifestyle. I can't eat a simple restaurant burger without thinking, this would be really delicious with a toasted bun, or perhaps some caramelized onions. Taking something that could be ordinary, and turning it into something extraordinary. That pretty much sums up the first part of the name, "Pink Mixers" -it is simple but elegant.

But creating food that has people asking for seconds it is not always easy, and the food doesn't always turn out perfectly. I don't know how many times I have tried to master the perfect egg. It is not as easy as one could imagine. Kudos if you have got it down. So "Broken Egg Yolks" speaks for the aspiring chef in all of us that can admit to putting salt instead of sugar into haystacks that were being served to 300 people (True story!), or those of us still trying to master the perfect egg.

On a more personal note, I would like to add that cooking with friends, and for friends is one of my favourite things about life. My best friends have no problem sitting back and listening to me rant about my favourite cooking TV show, or latest recipe disaster...and I hope you do too!