September 22, 2009

I was a KD kid

At school this year I have a room mate who is from Johannesburg, South Africa. Her name is Nikicci, and tonight I walked into the kitchen to find her making her first box of Kraft Dinner.

It was such a monumental experience that I felt the need to blog about it.

I mean, I have been making it since I could talk! (Back in the days when the box used to look like the one you see pictured above.) My dad used to let me stand on an old wooden chair in front of the stove to put the cheese powder right into the center.

Anyway, I just realized how comforting KD is to me (pathetic as that may be). I don't eat it often anymore, but almost feel like it's part of who I am. The 8 minute noodles, 2 Tbsp. of butter, 1/4 c of milk, and ketchup smiley face...something is so nostalgic about that recipe! I was a KD kid, and I'm proud of it!

(Kraft you can send me a check later.)

Nikicci did a fabulous job by the way, making her KD. Especially for being a complete novice with food that comes from a box. I had to help her a long a bit with the amount of milk, but hey, thank goodness I'm an expert!

Vintage photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha - I was such a KD kid too! Unfortunately I've not had it in quite some time. I had eaten it sooo much that it was no longer agreeing with me. However, your description of making it as a child brings back some very fond memories for me too and I may just have to whip some up sometime soon.
