June 14, 2009

This Summer

Remember how last year I worked as head cook at a summer camp? (If not, read about that here).

This year I'm not cooking, and instead, I'm becoming a Rainbow counselor. (In English, that means 1 on 1 support counselor). I work for July and August with children who have special needs and play a kind of integrator/support system for them.

However I say becoming a Rainbow counselor, because this is a completely new experience for me. I have worked with kids for what feels like my entire life, but have never taken responsibility for one, individual person before.

I am so excited for this amazing opportunity even though I know I will be exhausted beyond belief come July. I have come to find that there is nothing I can't handle with God as my strength, and I am not even nervous-- yet.

I do hope to have many chances to blog throughout the summer, but I must be honest when I say that I probably will only get to the computer on weekends! That is both a blessing and a curse. I think it may break me of any bad habits I have accumulated over the past year, but my new blog will definitely take a hit. I will be fed this summer instead of cooking, and I will be talking instead of typing.

So beginning in July, the posts will dwindle, but on the positive side...I will have so much pent up food energy that I will post like a maniac starting in September!

Here's to a new summer and a new season of life!

To celebrate, check out my most recent chili post. (Why not!?)

Or check out this picture of me enjoying my last few weeks of summer-time freedom:

Cheers to the summer!

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