June 17, 2009

Going back in Time--St. Jacobs Style!

Leah and I went on a full-out day trip today! Destination: St. Jacobs, Ontario.

I know, it's not very glamorous, but what can I say? Not everyone needs a trip to a big city to have some big fun! We certainly have found this to be true, and headed out this morning for our very exciting, freedom filled, youth capturing, day trip.

But I must say, St. Jacob's has a bit of a reputation.

Here's a hint:Can you see that sign there? It says 'CAUTION: Horse and Buggy crossing'. Yes indeed, we stepped back in time on this rainy summer day.

St. Jacobs is known for being an area with a high Mennonite/Amish community, and I find it all very fascinating! I promise you that we did not go to poke fun at the people, but rather share in their culture, eat some amazing home-cooked food, and maaaaybe take a few pictures.

Because how often do you get to see this??

If you live near me, then the answer is: never.

Despite the misty rain we (eventually) found our way to the 'downtown' of St. Jacobs which is home to cute antique and quilt shops, bakeries, upper range clothing boutiques, and the like. Leah and I wandered around, up and down the main strip browsing clothing we couldn't afford, and eventually ended up at a huge bakery, which I am sorry to say I don't remember the name of.

The front area of the bakery were you could browse their various pasteries was fairly small, but behind that was a ginormous kitchen. It was something out of a story book, (My kind of fairy tale anyway), complete with large convection ovens and lots of mothers and daughters working away, filling the bakery with goodies that smelled like cinnamon and apples.

It was this very smell that drew Leah and I to the oh-so gooey pie like treats they had to offer. There were large cookie trays filled with beautiful Dutch apple pie that Leah went for...

...and my personal choice, strawberry rhubarb and custard pie tarts...

...pretty much the yummiest thing I have ever tasted in St. Jacobs.

If you will allow me to indulge your for a moment with a description of this treat, I will surely convince you to check this place out. (Even if I can't remember the name of the store and you don't live anywhere near Ontario)! The rhubarb was slightly sour but it worked so well with the fresh strawberries and custard fillings. I could tell that the flavors had been marrying for the whole day atleast, because they went so well together! The crumble was light but very satisfying. It didn't fall apart completely and tasted like...yummy.

I'm running out of creative words to use to describe it, so you best go and check it out for yourself!

Day trips are fun, period. But when you get to enjoy time with close friends and share in life's simple pleasures, like our yummy deserts, it makes it that much more special. I encourage you to find a local market or sister community near by that has a new culture, food specialization, or what have you. Go and experience something new, and bring a friend along for the trip!

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