October 6, 2009

Rouxbe Online Cooking School

Why, hello and good eeeevening. Welcome to cooking with Julia. The part of the program where Julia comes out and teaches you about the marvels of food and what you can do with it.

Nat! (Not now anyway--next post.)

Today I will actually be referring you to another cooking program: Rouxbe. Rouxbe is an online cooking school! I know, crazy. (Crazy fun!) And it's almost free! You can pay ($99+) to get a membership for it's premium lessons, but I don't have money for that so I use their, still amazing, free videos, along with the complimentary daily cooking lesson. (Some, usually only available to those with memberships.)

Today I learned how to properly pan fry! Who knew that it was such a science! Did you know that you can figure out exactly when your pan is hot enough, by waiting for the perfect water droplet formation? But don't take my word for it, go check it out tonight! Click here.

If you missed the pan frying lesson, not to fret. There are lots more lessons where that comes from.

The sexy music and narration give a whole new meaning to cooking school. In fact, not too long ago I was considering cooking school (for a hobby.) Now, I think I can learn the most crucial information to cook well at home from my bedroom/basement/office/kitchen. Where ever my laptop will take me!

Check it out! And let me know what lessons you found particularly inspiring :)

Photo courtesy of http://wwff.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/rouxbe-pic.jpg

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