October 9, 2009

Happy Early Birthday to Me!

UPDATE: It is with contentness that I announce that my G10 went back to the store of purchase. The decision to take it back (and to keep searching for a new lens) was largely caused by the G10s inability to take a proper picture of a moving subject on Thanksgiving weekend. Seriously, I don't think I am being too fussy to request that my camera take a clear picture of my adorable cousins whilist they play. No sir.
So a new lens it is!
My 20th birthday is coming up quick, and I don't know whether to be excited or dreading it. I mean, 20 practically means 30. And that means that my life is almost half over!

Dramatic enough for ya? I'd say so.

Enough of that. I'm almost 20 for goodness sakes. No more joking around. It's time to get serious, and to say what I came here today to say. And that is....

I got a new CAMERAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's an early birthday present, and I am kinda excited:) If you can't already tell.

I was shopping around for a new lens, as you may remember my old one broke, but then I stumbled across this little baby:

It's a Canon PowerShot G10, and it is like a digital SLR, without the lens replacing capibility, but with waaay less bulk. Like here:

And it's retro...sigh.

So I am preeeety excited about all of the possibilities. I get the best of all worlds with a light portable camera with excellent photo potential. (AND video, by the way.) Now I've just gotta learn how to shoot with it. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what's new in my world. The birthday festivities have started early this year! You can expect nice 14.7 megapixel resolution photos any day now.

Photo courtesy of: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/
images/2008/10/15/canon_g10_photo_003.jpg and

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