December 10, 2009

This One's From Jenny

Hello Blog world. This is is still Julia. However in a moment you will hear from a girl who is not. Her name is Jenny. She is pretty fabulous in her own right, and today she speaks out against your favourite Julia. (Me.)

Well, more like she's outing me, and I think she will do a better job of it. I will say no more.

Jenny, the floor is yours.

“I could eat this meat by the spoonful!”

Yes, folks, those are the words of one girl who we like to call Julia. This past weekend I was making some delicious taco wraps for dinner and cooked the ground beef with some fantastic hot and spicy seasoning. The irresistible taste had dear Julia pining for more.

I’m afraid that her days of vegetarianism are over.

Our apprentice chef has learned that one cannot appreciate food without including the protein-rich animal flesh, most commonly referred to as “meat,” into that category.

This instance was not the first time our dear cook-turned-vegan found herself eating meat. It was rather the final straw in a line of “Oops, I had no choice but to eat it” occurrences.

So, cyber-world-blog-stalking friends, next time you see the cute 3rd-year Uni student in the picture on the right column of this page, give her a pat on the back and welcome her back to the meat-eating world.

I think it will be a long time before she takes another sabbatical of this sort

Here’s an interesting fact about meat for you to chew on: Chuck Norris invented hamburgers when he threw a cow through a chain-link fence.

-Blog post by Jenny

Well thank you Jennifer for putting it so eloquently! (Isn't she fabulous folks?) I hope no one out there is like, Oh my goodness Julia! You terrible person you, I will never read your blog again, in fact I am exiting-NOW.

Ahem. Well, I'm sorry to say that Jenny does speak the truth. It has been so hard to keep my energy up and resist the occasional stop at Wendy's so I caved. I'd say the majority of my meals are still vegetarian, (x-blog reader now poking head in) but I'm up for the occasional burger here and there! that I'm out so to speak, can some please find me some nuggets? Thank you.

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