December 12, 2009

Fruit Cereal and Yogurt

Good morning all! Time for some breakfast.

I don't know about you, but sometimes all I can stomach for breakfast is fruit. Not all days of course, there is the occasional day which I can eat an entire buffet. (hehe rhyme). But today I am in the mood for fruit.

Seasonal is a good way to eat your fruits and veggies because you know that it will taste great and that it was probably a bit cheaper than those oranges that were shipped across the continent. And pomegranates are in season, so that fruit's in. Apples were season about a month ago, so their in too!

I love fruit and yogurt, so I mixed some delicious vanilla yogurt with the chopped up apples, and then combined it with a vanilla almond cereal. Then I sprinkled the yummy fruit cereal mix with some gorgeous pomegranate seeds.

Mmhm. It was perfect for breakfast.


1 gala apple, chopped into bite size pieces
1/4 c vanilla almond cereal (or which ever variety you prefer)
1 c vanilla yogurt
1/2 pomegranate, seeded

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