December 8, 2009

Is that an Egg on your Pizza?

Wait. Lemme Check.

Oh why yes! Yes it is.

The short and quick version of why that is so, is basically, I had no other protein source in my fridge and I thought, why not!?

Jamie does it!

And I trust his opinion on things edible.

This pizza can be a really quick and satisfying snack, or turn it into a meal by serving it with some chips (fries. I'm speaking Jamie. ok. he's british. get it? okay good.) The crust is a whole wheat pita, so it couldn't be any easier. I also love using nan bread if you have any of that around the house. Top this with your home made tomato sauce, veggies, cheese, and crack an egg over the top. I drizzled some bbq sauce on top and threw some nice herbs de Provence on too, for good measure.

When it's done right, it's really quite good!


1 whole wheat pita or nan
1/2 c grated cheddar cheese (approx.)
enough tomato sauce to cover your pita
diced veggies (your preference)
a pinch of herbs de Provence
a drizzle of bbq sauce (optional)
1 free range egg


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Spoon sauce overtop of the pita and top with veggies and cheese.

3. Crack an egg overtop of your pizza. Don't worry that you can't see much of it, and if it drains down the sides. If the yolk breaks, it will cook faster.

3. Allow to cook on a low rack in the oven for about 20 minutes. Then, turn the oven onto the broiler setting and cook for about 5-7 more minutes. (If you jiggle the pan a bit you will be able to see if the egg is cooked. You don't want runny egg whites!)

Photo of Jamie courtesy of:

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