August 7, 2009


Sooooo, I'm off on a little adventure starting Monday. It's not all that grand, it's just a little trip across the ocean to Ireland!!

Ok yeah, I'm excited. Wouldn't you be? Well maybe not if you are from Ireland or surrounding countries, but I most certainly am excited!

The closest I have come to that part of Europe was England back in grade 12. Since then I have had a hunger to go back.

I plan on meeting an Irish boy with an accent, so if you are indeed from surrounding areas leave a comment. ;) That is actually a joke, I don't think I could make a long distance relationship work from North America. It would be just to dang difficult.

Shame though.

Anyway, my family and I will be discovering the Northern parts of Ireland (starting in Galway and then moving towards Donegal.) I heard that you can do horseback riding along the coast line and I am soooo all over that.

I will of course sample the cuisine, and post about it later. I hope that the food experience will be better than that I had in England. (Completely carbs and protein). I'm thinking that since the countries national colour is green, the food miiiight follow suit. But probably not.

See you when I return! Bon Voyage :)

Photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. how very exciting...i have wanted to go to ireland forever! enjoy every minute
