March 11, 2010

Springtime Spring Rolls

Springtime is here!

(Or at least the weather is!) 11 degrees 3 months from now will be tragic, but for now I LOVE it!

Another good sign of spring's arrival is the increase in students appearing (out of hibernation) around campus. All of a sudden students are assembling themselves where the sun and fresh air is. Good news travels quickly apparently when it comes to weather.

Something else that spring brings? For me, I feel a sudden desire to put the stew cookbook back on the shelf, and to dust off those which contain lighter options. And this week, a trip to the local market introduced me to a great one: spring rolls!

These little babies were vegetarian concoctions but I know you can also make them with meat, like chicken or shrimp.

They came with a sensational peanut sauce which I haven't tried to re-create yet. (Partially for fear of failure and also for lack of ingredients.) But I knew that I just had to try em, so the next time I went to the grocery store I picked up the ingredients I needed and some sweet chili sauce for dipping. Sweet chili sauce is often used for spring rolls, so I knew that it would be tasty. I still crave that peanut sauce though...

Now you can try them at home too! You will wow your friends with a new hunger satisfying snack/meal that appears difficult to make, but in reality, is reeeeallly simple.

Here's what you do...


(per 1 spring role)

1 rice paper wrapper--22 cm in diameter(you can find these at your local supermarket), soaked and softened
1 lettuce leaf
1 tsp shredded carrot
1 small spear of cucumber (about 2.5 inches long)
a few sprigs cilantro
a few rice noodles, cooked

a dipping sauce of choice (I used a thai sweet chili sauce)


1. Soak the rice paper wrapper in water until soft an pliable (about 30 seconds), and place onto a plate or cutting board.

2. Place the lettuce into the centre of the wrapper, followed by the cucumber, carrots, a few cooked rice noodles and cilantro.

3. Follow these directions for proper rolling techniques.


  1. Do you cook it at all? or just eat it as is?

  2. I just eat them as is. Some people cook them, but it isn't necessary.
