March 6, 2010


What is the most satisfying thing you can do with a liter of milk?


As a girl living on her own, trying to eat healthy can be an expensive task! Especially since it seems like produce, milk and cheese always seem to be on sale, RIGHT after I buy them! Now, I'm lactose sensitive, so I don't drink regular milk, but for some reason yogurts and cheeses doesn't bother me. Needless to say, yogurt is one of my staple foods and I go through one to two containers a week. It can get pricey at $4 per 500ml container!

So my wonderful, beautiful, thrifty mother told me to make my own! Its SUPER easy and although I was terrified I was going to give myself food poisoning, the yogurt turned out better than a lot of grocery store brands I have tried and it only cost me $1 to make a liter of it! And the possibilities are endless! Yogurt can be a great breakfast, with sliced strawberries and Gluten Free Granola, or afternoon pick me up in a Seasonal Fruit Smoothie, or dinner in a tasty Greek Tzatziki on a Falafel, or in desert in a delicious Blueberry Flan!

So, if you think you've got it in you, lets make some yogurt!

What You Will Need:
3 tablespoons of Natural Unflavoured Yogurt (ie. No gelatin or corn starch or thickening agents basically, you want the ingredients to be milk and bacteria cultures)
1 liter of 1% or 2% milk (I used 2% for a creamier yogurt)

1. Using a double broiler (or a medium sized pot and a heat resistant glass bowl) heat your milk to 180 degrees. 180 degrees is the temperature that milk begins to froth on its own.

2. Take your yogurt out of the fridge, and let warm to room temperature. While you are heating your milk, pour boiling water into the containers you are planning on using to sterilize them. I used several small containers that I could easily grab on my way out the door.

3. Once the milk has reached 180 degrees, remove it from the heat and cool to 110 degrees.You can either do this by putting it in an ice bath, or being patient. (I used an ice bath).

4. Once it has reached 110 degrees, add the three tablespoons of yogurt and mix well. Pour into containers and seal with either lids or plastic wrap.

5. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 8 hours (overnight). I used my radiator, but you can use an stove with a pilot light or put in a heating blanket.

6. Chill for a few hours and enjoy!

7. Add any sweeteners or flavors you want! But make sure you leave at least 3 tablespoons for your next batch!

Makes 1 liter of yogurt, and lasts for 1-2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. THAT'S AMAZING. it's funny cause my first thought was also "I'm going to give myself food poisoning!" yum smoothies :)
