November 4, 2009

Hello Blogesphere!

Can I just be the SECOND to say how exciting is it that Pink Mixers now has TWO authors!?!

I am so excited to be contributing to Pink Mixers and I am REALLY excited to start cooking! Julia is on of my best friends in the whole world and I while I am no blogger, I have a passion for cooking that I hope you will all be able to see!
So a little bit about us!

I met Julia when I was in high school. We took strings class together and became fast friends when we volunteered at camp one summer. We've both been through a lot in the past 5 years (WOW 5 YEARS!) but one thing has always been consistent, the amazing friend I have in Julia!

We discovered our shared passion for cooking one now infamous New Years Day, when there was nothing but an Iron Chef marathon! I think we sat in front of the television for 6 hours straight watching Bobby Flay BBQ, Mario Batalli make exquisite pasta, and Kat Cora make the most delectable looking southwestern food you've ever seen! We decided to cook! We made grilled chicken served on a bed of caramelized onions, brown rice, fresh cranberries and white wine. I can still taste it! Ever since then we have been inseparable, cooking up a storm, calling each other for ideas, and baking whenever we get the chance!

I cook and bake for every meal! Recently I found out I have a developing insulin resistance, (PCOS) which means that I have to be really careful about what I eat. No refined sugar, limited carbs, the carbs that I do eat have to be complex, low starches, so basically lots of veggies and protein! So you can look forward to a lot of stir fry recipes! Unlike Julia, I am not a vegeterian. Don't get me wrong, I love animals, but I also love steak, and flame broiled hamburgers, and roasted chicken, and ham and cheese sandwiches. So while Justin was bring sexy back, I'm bring meat back (to this blog anyways!).

And don't worry, just because I can't eat too much refined sugar, doesn't mean I don't use it! I have various friends that I'm trying to fatten up (muhaha!) so I am constantly baking muffins and scones and brownies and cookies. You should also know that I drink coffee like you wouldn't believe, and I have a weird passion for good foam on a double tall, lactose free, latte. So look forward to a lot of coffee education in your future!
I'm not much of a photographer, but I will try to capture the beauty of food on film! I am so excited to post and I am looking forward to hearing your feedback about my recipes!
As they say on Iron Chef,


1 comment:

  1. I adore that picture of us. Your mom told me once, " you could get a better pic" (I had it in a frame). But I thought...naaah. I love it.
