November 8, 2009

100 Pomegranate Seeds for 100 Posts

It's kinda craaazy in my mind that Pink Mixers has 100 posts. You know why?

Because each post takes, oh say, 40 minutes at least. (To conceive, write up, and post.) That means I have spent at least 4,000 minutes posting! That is 67 hours. 3 days.

Thank-goodness there are other things in this world which make counting to 100, a little easier.

Like, kilometers on your car.

Steps you take in a day.

Breaths you breathe in a hour.

Money you earn at your job (hopefully).

And of course, the number of seeds in a pomegranate.

Fabulous things pomegranates; loaded with antioxidants and loaded with seeds. Pomegranates make it easier to count to 100. Logic tells me that eating pomegranates will therefore make it easier to get to 200 posts. Mmhm.

So I'm-a eat up! You can look forward to the proof of this hypothesis.

There are 100s of seeds in a pomegranate. I write 100s of posts. Coincidence? I think not.

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